Sunday, May 31, 2009

El Paso/Houston/London/Johannasburg/MAPUTO!

(from left to right: Jerry, Alexander, Daryl, Kaylee, Me, Kristin)
our group minus the man in the middle, he was our trainer and will remain in the states.

Now we're off!! Today is the day.
We leave here for the airport at 10:45am.
At 1:20, we leave for Houston, TX. Then from Houston overnight to London.
We have a 12 hour layover in London, so we will do some exploring!! Ahhh :)
Then from London (Monday night around 8) to Johannasburg in Africa overnight.
Then from Johannasburg to MAPUTO MOZAMBIQUE- scheduled for 10:45am Tuesday morning.
We're 8 hours ahead of Nashville in Mozambique, and 11 hours ahead of California.
I'll love you all so much!
We'll be safe and talk to you in a couple days.
Love Always, Allyson

Saturday, May 30, 2009

the World Feast.

I am emotionally drained and because today was very tough as a whole..
We experienced a world hunger simulation called the World Feast.
I sat with a cup of rice and beans tonight.
While others ate a piece of bread.
and some ate a full five course meal, all right in front of each other.
Unable to talk to other groups or share.
It was so impactful. I'll never be the same.

I'm not bitter or angry. I'm not feeling guilty or ashamed. I feel like I hold SUCH great responsibility on my shoulders. Not to starve because others starve. Not to be sick because others are sick. But to LOVE OTHERS as MUCH and MORE than myself. This is so much greater than we see.

One thing the slide show (the one we watched before we ate) showed tons of statistics and pictures. True statistics. One that really stuck out to me said roughly, that we as Americans spend "said sum" of amount of money on going to the movie theater every year- but we spend, less than half of that feeding those that are hungry everywhere. The numbers went on and on, but each number has a face. Money cannot always be the answer.. but how we come across as loving those the same as ourselves when we invest our time and money into the things that bring no glory to God- or bring no love to others.

I pray that God continues to rip all of us apart after tonight.
We're broken.. we're not supposed to be whole in my opinion.
God can make us so much stronger and purposeful when we're weak, when we're broken.

One thing I am really trying to recreate within myself, is that I am not first an American, and then a Christian. But I am a Christian- living in a world of many identities and priorities that are not all necessarily correct. I'm first a Christian.. called to love ALL others as myself. It all starts with acts of kindness, with really loving because we have nothing else to live for.

Love Always, Allyson

Friday, May 29, 2009


I could write so much about today, but I am going to really share my heart and what has truly hit me hard today.

As a group today (the four of us) we prayed together for the first time. We sat in a circle with our trainer and prayed each aloud about our concerns, blessings, thankfulness, etc. Our trainer Daryl (what a gift from God- he is a true blessing and is in constant prayer for us) has been encouraging us all as we are standing before so much unknown. He told us that God laid a few verses on his heart today. If you have time, look them up, as they may be a source of comfort to you as well. ((1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 2:18, Hebrews 5:8, Hebrews 12:7, Luke 22:31-32)) We discussed how these verses talk about temptation, which can also be translated as testing, and how he often tests us the same way he has tested others throughout the bible. It isn't a cruel deal or anything, but it only brings us closer to him as we make it through the suffering and hard times. I believe we, as a group, will experience many difficulties along the way, but God will never leave us alone, and through him all things are possible. Always. Daryl always tells us, I don't think you can do this, I know you can do this, I KNOW it. It was an amazing time because I feel like we really came a lot closer as a group. It was beautiful.

We also had our second seminar on strengths. We all had to take a strengths finder test before coming to youth in mission, and all of your top 5 strengths have been recorded. We have be forced to spend a lot of time analyzing our strengths and understanding how they will work together. Zach, you have really helped me prepare for that as we have done so much preparation as a couple learning how to work together. So I was familiar with these things to an extent. I suggested using.. "I feel.." verses, "you did..." haha. It's fun to get to know one another and learn how God really wants us to interact with one another. We talked about how we need a mission and what that mission really is. I think as a group we have named that mission love. Simply love.

Tonight, our sermon was on love, oddly enough. No coincidences either :) But we were talking about how much time the church (meaning US, you and I) really spends so much time talking about the issues and the details of our beliefs/opinions. We are called to be the united body of Christ through our mission and purpose. We often interpret that call in such a way that we think we must have perfectly united views and opinions on everything from politics to social programs. But I don't believe God calls us to draw the lines in black and white. We are called to love. To love the republicans and the democrats, to love the laid back and the uptight, and to love the introverts and the extroverts all the SAME. To be unified in love. Regardless of race, culture, or upbringing. I am so excited to embark on this journey across the world as we minister and learn from the people of Mozambique. I don't feel we are going to force them to adopt every tradition and opinion that we have, but we are called to love them as Christ would love them, so that they may love others the same.

There is a phrase that we have heard time and time again and are forced to say at lunch and what not. "That's different, but that's okay." I don't want to leave it at that though, as my teammate Kristin put it, but I want to embrace their culture and opinions and appreciate them. We never have to agree, but we don't have to spend the time of our lives discussing our opposing views either. Our one mutual language that we can and MUST ALL SHARE is Christ's love for us. It's when we begin to burn with his love that nothing else matters. I challenge all of you as we are being challenged. That's different, but it's okay, because I appreciate your difference.. because of the love that Christ graciously shows us EVERY DAY.

What a good day.

Two funny things I learned today.
Actually not funny, but I find them funny because they will both make for such an amazing adventure! haha.
1. our plane ride that begins on Sunday consists of 5 layovers. We receive our itineraries on Saturday night, but have been told to mentally prepare for the flight, that at worst could take over 44 hours! wow. The Lord is definitely preparing us for something! :)
2. I hear that FISH is big in Mozambique. But our trainer told me the funny missionary prayer for food. "Lord, I got it down, now please, you keep it down." I will definitely be embracing this prayer as fish eyeballs could make their ways to our plates! :)

Well now that I have seriously written a novel, I guess I should bring it to a close. My fingers are numb because it's cold here in New Mexico! haha, but I know that I will not always be able to write a lot or this detailed in Mozambique, but while I have the opportunity, I wanted to share my heart with you as I am growing significantly daily. I love you all so much and appreciate all the love you show me. I am in prayer for all of you as this journey is a lot different, but just as important on the other side. Goodnight!

Love Always, Allyson

Thursday, May 28, 2009

From Training:

I have so much to say.. and I am so eager to share. I am sure this will always be the case these next weeks. (note: the internet is very limited and is off and on because we're in the mountains here at training- so hopefully this actually goes through today-Wednesday)

The trip here was a LONG but very successful one. I never imagined I would be so emotional while leaving Nashville (hoping I would have gotten out all the tears the night before), but God has seriously answered my prayer for comfort. Detail after detail he revealed himself to me as I met an amazing youth pastor on my way to Dallas, changed planes and headed to El, Paso and found new team members on that new plane :) What an adventure, already! Tuesday (I can't believe that was only yesterday) was full of blessings, the unknown, and waiting. It definitely tested our patience but we serve SUCH an AMAZING God. I was at peace all day. Mom, your card seriously did wonders. Thank you for that. Yesterday seemed frustrating at times, and redundant at others (like I said, we did a LOT of waiting), but was more than I could ask for, such a blessing. We arrived last night to this training camp (which is a Nazarene camp ground) and it's located in New Mexico of all places!! Not Texas like we all thought.. but it's a very nice facility with the greatest staff. They are mostly elderly volunteers that have spent a lot of time in the mission field. They are all so eager to hear who we are and where we are going as we pass through the lunch lines. They are sweet and make us feel like family.

Today has been packed FULL of training and preparation. Thursday through Saturday evening will be the same. It is more than I could have imagined as we learn new things about the places we will be, and also about each other. Note: I COULD NOT HAVE A BETTER TEAM. They are absolutely amazing... we all have great chemistry and have already provided a world of support for one another. I think it's hard to share your personal relationship with Christ with those that have such different passions, personalities, and dreams sometimes. That doesn't mean its really right, but its not easy. It's really an awesome thing to be with three others that have been called to the exact same place at the exact same time as you. Our personalities all match up so well. I am tremendously thankful.
[Please pray for them as well]
They are:
Jerry Romasco
Kristin Gould
Kaylee Brooks

Back to today.. We have "family groups" by continent. We were forced to trust one another as we lifted each other over rope obstacles and fell off tables into the arms of our teammates. Our Africa team is full of teams going to all different locations in Africa. It is really cool to be in the presence of those that share your passion for a country that we know nearly nothing about. Our Mozambique team eats every meal together andwe're beginning to really know how to work with one another and are starting to really form a bond. It's amazing how fast that has happened.

Today our speaker talked about entering into what God is telling you and learning to tell the story. Our stories, no matter what they may be are so vital. Stories make up our history and have really created everything we have and everything we are. Gerard Loughlin said in one of his books, "The story you tell can have a lasting impact on a person's world."

Saturday night we will recieve our itineraries, but as of right now I know on Sunday we will fly as a team to another location in the states, then to London, to Johannasburg, and finally Maputo! It will be a long day or two of travek but I am asking God to continuously abide in me. He always does. I'll write again when I can.

Be prayerful for peace of mind as we are full of uncertainty as to the details of our trip. Thank you guys. I love you all.

Love always, Allyson

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's actually here.. and it actually seems real.
This is so exciting, yet nerve racking all in the same, plus there is some sadness.
Zach and I just had a big cry-fest, not that we are solely sad, but just in awe of God's goodness as well. We know without a doubt that this is in his plan. Only his plan is perfect, and his ways are amazing. He sees the picture as a whole, every little detail.
We prayed for comfort and also strength as this journey continues.
Pray for the people in Mozambique and for opportunity for deep relationships.
I pray that those people will see Christ directly through us.
I am so eager to see everything unravel.

Let this be our prayer:
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he's the one who will keep you on track. [Proverbs 3:5-6]

We'll leave the house at 5:15am tomorrow... well today :]
Africa.. here we come!
I love you all!
Always, Allyson

PS: The time of the posts (in orange at the bottom of each one) is Maputo, Mozambique time.. exactly where I'll be!

Monday, May 25, 2009


God has provided $655.80 this week.
The trip has been paid in full- $4,300.00 has been raised.
HALLELUJAH. Allyson is going to Africa!! :)

Thank you all SO much. Words cannot express my appreciation for all of your support.
I pray that he blesses all of your lives accordingly.. You have definitely made a difference in mine.
I already told one couple this, but I promise that I will pay it forward. It is the only way to truly act on my gratefulness. You are ALL awesome and mean so much to me.

Tomorrow will be a day spent with Zach, packing and painting together :) I will write tomorrow before I leave. Thank you again.

Love Always, Allyson

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I was reading through Hebrews the other night, and came to it again tonight. It reminds and challenges me.. and most definitely encourages me.

First in Chapter 10, verses 22 and 23, "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."

Then to go on and travel somewhat through Chapter 11.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see..." 'By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible... We learned faith from Cain and Abel through their opposing sacrifices.. We learned faith from Enoch as he spent time earnestly seeking Christ.. We learned faith from Noah as he spent years building.. We learned faith from Abraham as he left for a place he knew nothing about.. We learned faith from Abraham as he and Sarah prayed for a child..'

verse 13: "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers in earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country- a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." 'We learned faith from Abraham as he gave Issac as a sacrifice.. We learned faith as Isaac blessed Jacob.. We learned faith as Jacob blessed Joseph's sons.. We learned faith as Joseph spoke to the Israelites.. We learned faith as Moses' parents hid him.. We learned faith as Moses protected the firstborn.. We learned faith as people passed through the Red Sea.. We learned faith as the walls of Jericho fell.. We learned faith as the prostitute, Rahab, was not killed..'

"These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God ad planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect."

Faith is so prominent in our every day lives.. Isn't it?
Faith is not only hope, but is assurance and belief. To trust.
I know that Faith is something so important that I often find to be one of those things that is not thought about very much, almost more like a "given" for me.
But I am really beginning to understand the utmost importance of faith lately.
Radical Faith.
Faith, not as in, I'll figure out my back-up plan first, and then hope that God comes through for me. Rather, I wholeheartedly believe and trust that this is in your hands. It's funny how simple it sounds to leave the control in the hands of the controller, but we find it so easy sometimes to desire the control. I have prayed during this whole journey to find myself "uncomfortable" - in a way that I would find depth and growth in my faith. And let me tell you, God answers prayer. I have definitely been uncomfortable in a sense, to the point where some things have been overwhelming, and have found myself in the midst of issues that I have had to really lay before God in days of prayer. I am learning that this is an every day thing. Some people (in many parts of Africa for example) live uncomfortably every single day- whether it is because of economics or social standards, they are forced to rely on God because he is the only one who is able. However, I don't necessarily wake up every morning wondering if I will eat breakfast, or be safe on my way here or there. I need to pray for faith. Life altering, mind blowing, forever changing faith. I hunger for that... and I know I am beginning to be fed. GOD IS GOOD.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

some more details.


I would just like to share that I only need $655.00 left for my trip. THANK YOU ALL. I'm still praying, and believe that it will come in. God's timing is perfect.

As Tuesday is coming SO QUICKLY... I have started packing! I was telling Amanda (mom-in-law) that packing everything under 50lbs is tough! Especially when you have to think that I have to take two of most things, like deodorant, contact solution, etc. But we'll make it work! We have also been advised to take multiple medications with us. I have a medicine for just about every possible scenario- but that's what you have to do when there's no Walmart. Better safe than sorry :) Lots of bug spray too! We pack about a weeks worth of clothes - long skirts, t-shirts, capris, etc. Its very modest there, but the rule of thumb is to keep your knees and shoulders covered. I can't wait to learn all the differences between Mozambique and America.

I have found out a LOT more about the whole trip in general. Before, our details were very vague and we had a little bit of a hard time getting in touch with our missionary (the leader coordinating our group) who is actually living there in Mozambique. But we received a very helpful email today! I will be staying at a seminary in Maputo (the capital) and will have internet connection! Which of course means I will get to update you all. Also, we have filtered water, which will make the chances of getting a lot of the illness' much lower.

Tuesday is the day I leave for El Paso, TX early in the morning. I will be there with ALL the Youth in Mission students going to all different countries and locations. We will go through a lot of training and receive lots of materials to assist us in our countries.

I actually leave for Africa on Sunday, May 31st. My team and I will receive our flight information the night before (Saturday night) and fly together to Africa on Sunday. Be praying that day for our flight and our nerves! It will be a very exciting, yet long, (17 hour(ish)) day. I will definitely keep all of you in prayer as well while I am gone. It's a very big journey. I know that Zach will need your prayers - it will be difficult to be away from one another for 8 weeks. I know that God will provide comfort and he will also bring us that much closer to him and to one another. Also keep my parents, Rusty and Caryn in prayer, as their faith & trust grow during this time.

Love Always, Allyson

Monday, May 18, 2009


I know, I know.
twice in one day you might ask? YES of course, why not.
Especially since today has been so full of blessings that its hard to even think.
So.. once again, Hello!

This week is one that I won't ever forget, and I think I am about to embark on a series of weeks that will forever change my life.
I feel more comfort than ever before.
I feel like a spec- right in it's perfect place during a chaotic mess. Like everything around me is going a thousand miles an hour.. and I am being held so still. Right in God's will. God's timing is perfect.. absolutely perfect.

First eight hundred. Then two hundred more.. $1,000.00 today. in ONE day. Wow.

And this goes far far beyond finances. It's not all about finances, but it's so exciting to see how God can use money for his will and perfect plan. I am so eager to see how he will work in the beautiful, yet broken country of Mozambique. He has huge plans- seeing them unfold in this way is such a true blessing! THANK YOU once again to those who are spending time in prayer daily.. and who have supported me financially. I really will never be able to express how your obedience has blessed me. I know that the last $800.00 is in his hands. I have TOTAL and COMPLETE faith that he will provide... as he already has time after time.

Love Always, Allyson

Sunday, May 17, 2009

God is Good.

I can't possibly express my feelings and my gratefulness right now.
GOD IS GOOD. and ALWAYS provides. always.

When we have faith and FULLY trust, God provides.
800 dollars was given to me today. Simply because two individuals wanted to pass along the love and support that had been given to them. I am amazed... and truly, eternally grateful.
It is so easy to get overwhelmed with the stresses of finances and those things that are ultimately out of our control, but God's faithfulness is never ending. He is good. ALL the time.

Love Always, Allyson

Thursday, May 14, 2009

11 days away..

Hey guys..

I am so excited, as I only have 11 days until I actually leave! I thought I would give an update to all of you who have been following & supporting me through this journey. I first want to again, THANK all of you, SO much. This really would not be happening if it weren't for your generosity and prayers. I appreciate it more than I can express.

As I mentioned before, Youth In Mission sent out an email about signing up for a credit card for the remaining balance that we may have at the time of departure. I received a more detailed email about this issue today and it was informing me that I must sign up for a credit card if the balance is still exsistant when I leave on May 26th, but nothing will be charged to it until my arrival back to the states on JULY 26th. HALLELUJAH! I will sign up for a credit card very soon..

This means that I have TWO MORE MONTHS TO FUNDRAISE. This is very crucial and important for this cause. I have to raise $1,850.00 before JULY 26th. (100 people giving $18.50) I really ask you to pray and ask God about this cause, as it is a great one. I pray that he places the funds in the hands of those that are willing to use it in the way that he would ask them to. If there is anything you would like to do to help, it is GREATLY GREATLY appreciated. Again, the website for funding is :

I also received another email today with more detail on where we will be staying and such. My team will be staying at Mozambique Nazarene University. This is a sigh of relief to a lot of family I know, as it should be safer than a lot of scenarios could be. Also, we will have a mixture of work within the large city of Maputo (capital) and other surrounding small villages (which would be more like the "dirty Africa" you see on commercials). We will do a lot of traveling from church to church and working with many children and youth. I am so excited! It's getting very close. Again, I hope to update this blog from MNU, assuming we will have internet access from time to time.

Thank you all again, and purposefully pray for the remaining funds.
Love Always, Allyson