Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday :)

Today was such a great day!

I woke up this morning, feeling completely refreshed and renewed. It was a true answer to prayer as the past few days have been difficult ones for me. We went to church this morning and it was an amazing service. It was such a small church, more like a hut, but the Holy Spirit was so evident and it was truly a beautiful service. The people were so happy to have us there and were so incredibly welcoming. It was probably my favorite Sunday of the trip. There were also so many children there! It was probably the most overwhelmed we have been by the children, as they pinched our skin and tugged viciously at our hair. It was funny and I also found it kind of sweet. I think one of the little girls was determined that she could scratch the "white" off my arms, and pick the tattoo out of my skin. Of course it was humorous, but a little painful too :)

We were also fed before we left, as always. This was my most memorable "food experience" as well. After we prayed, they told us to dig in! There was a bowl of chicken pieces in front of me. I was a little relieved to see that I at least recognized this meat, so I was quick to just scoop a piece onto my plate without much thought. As I placed the spoon back into the dish I quickly realized what I had actually put on my plate. Yes, it was chicken, but it was the chicken's head. I knew I had to face my fear and do my best to scrape what meat there off of it's head and eat. Oh what an experience. At least I didn't have to eat any bones or anything. Mom, aren't you proud?

Adimi and his family had us over for dinner tonight. It was so much fun! We got to know his children and they made us pizza, chicken (minus the head), and potatoes. We ate more than I ever thought possible, due to loads of encouragement. We had a great night of looking at pictures and dancing together to African music. It was great to spend time with a family and get to know them more. Their children, Noel and Shirley, were so much fun. Adimi and Celeste have been such a blessing to us, they are such beautiful people, inside and out.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. Your encouragement has been such an answer to prayer!! The past few days have made us stronger as a team and have definitely tested our trust and patience. I am looking forward to this upcoming week, even as it will be a busy one. We will be doing VBS with the youth in different districts. Our responsibility is to teach common health to the kids here, brushing their teeth, combing hair, etc. We are also going to be able to leave VBS early on Monday and Tuesday to finish the after school program we have been doing with our Seminary kids. Tuesday will be our great big Birthday Party with our kids. I could not be more excited about that! Keep our team in prayer as we take on our last full week here in MOZ.

Love Always, Allyson


Bob said...

Glad it was such a good day for you!! We were blessed by Zach sharing your e-mail with us during the service!! What a tremendous "message" you gave us!!!
Continued prayers for you and your group!!!
Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!

msbb said...

I was going to say the same thing Bob did - AMAZING report. And Zach did a fabulous job. We will continue to pray at our house. So happy for you and what God is doing for you and through you! Way to go girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ally, So glad you had a good day Sunday and such a wonderful refreshing church service. So very proud of you and the things you have been able to handle and get through while you have been there. It seems you all never really know what to expect or what you may have to face. So thankful God has always been there with you and gotten you all through each trying or difficult thing. Pray teaching them the the common health things will go well and it will make an impression on them that could add greatly to their health and life. Hope the big Birthday party goes well, we will be praying for you and the team. Thanks for the sharing and keeping us up on what you all are doing. Take care be safe, we know God is right there with you and surrounding you with his love and presence. Have a wonderful and blessed day. We love you. Nana and Papa